Wednesday, January 6, 2016

14 - "Love me, that's all I ask for you"

Several movies of Phantom of the Opera have been made already. But the one I like the most is the broadway itself. Because the songs in it is so powerful and there were no cuts. It is a continuous play and because of this, they got the title of  broadway's longest running musical. I am not fan of broadways shows until I was in highschool and the school made us do broadway instead of a fieldtrip. We've done CATS. Yes, with kitty costumes and make ups.

A bitter man, deformed since birth known only as the Phantom lives in the sewers of Paris Opera House. he falls in love with a singer named Christine. He secretly and privately tutors her while terrorizing the the rest of the opera to give the leading role to her. Things get worse when Christine meets her childhood sweetheart Raoul and they fall in love. The Phantom decides to kidnap and imprison her because he thought that by doing this Christine may learn to love him back.

Sometimes loving a person who can't, rather doesn't want to love us back could make us either motivated or depressed. Even though we give all the things they want and need, they still choose the one that they truly love. But still I believe that one can learn to love the other, it just take a long time. But if they are worth the wait, then so be it.

 So for you, yes you my love, I am here, happily waiting. You worth the wait and love. I'm here waiting for you to love me, that's all I ask for you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

6 - Parasyte

Parasyte is a science fiction manga series by Hitoshi Iwaaki. It is about a boy named Shinichi who lives with his mother. One night worm-like aliens invaded Earth and they want to take over by killing humans. A parasyte tried to crawl into Schinichi's ear but luckily, he's earphones are plugged to his ears. Then the Parasyte went to Schinichi's body and borrow his arm first for the parasyte to live. Schinichi then gave a name for the parasyte, he called it Migi. They have been protecting each other from other parasyte who have been dominated the brain of their host. A lot of them have been intersted with such a relationship between the two and they doesn't even thought that it is possible. A teacher, also dominated by a parasyte, is experimenting on its' host's body. She's been pregnant also with a man whose brain is also dominated by a parasytr. Then everything after that are gross killings. I am curious though that how come the parasyte and Schnichi is having a good time together. But in the latter part, Shinichi is now adopting the characteristics of the parasyte and  vice versa. The scene that struck me most is when Schinichi's mother tried to protect him from the parasyte that was also in her body. It just mean that parasytes may not been totally dominated the human brain. The movie is not yet done but I enjoyed watching it and planning to watch for the continuation. Others said that there is a big difference in the story between the movie and the manga itself but I rather watch it because I am not a fan of Manga.

13 - Plagiarism

According to Criss Jami, when you have wit of your own, it's a pleasure to credit other people for theirs. Now, I am going to make a blog tips on how we could avoid committing plagiarism.

1) Paraphrase. When you have found a good paper about your research paper or research assignments, you should read it first and then put your own understanding in your own words. DO NOT COPY.

2) Quote. When quoting a source you should copy it word by word by word, yes exactly the same.

3) Citing Quotes. Citing a quote is different from citing a paraphrased material. It is usually done by addition of a page number or a paragraph number if it is a web content.

4) Cite your own material. If you've done a conceptual framework for your research paper, you should cite yourself. Because the illustrations may use for future purposes.

5) Cite. It is also an effective way to avoid plagiarism and it is somehow similar with referencing. You should follow the document formatting guidelines like APA and MLA.

6) Referencing. One of the most important ways to avoid plagiarism is including a reference page which was tackled in PUBSP1. All references should be in APA form but there are also other ways or other format for referencing like for example is MLA.

15 - Inter-class Public Speaking Competition

Cult of Celebrities and Fantasies ... A Filipino Obsession?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The question is where does the standard of the beholder come from? The ideal vital statistics for women is 36-24-36, But imagine if a woman with vital statistics of 40-46-43 wants to enter a beauty pageant? I wonder what she would look like during the swimsuit attire? In social media, we see a lot of videos of a man doing extravagant things for his woman. But don’t we notice that those lucky women are the ones who have been blessed of beauty. A standard of beauty that all of us were born into. 

When I was younger, my cousins always bullied me, because among all of us, I was the fattest, most dark-skinned, and had the messiest hair. In short I was the most unfortunate. My self-esteem was lowered and it lead me asking my parents if I was adopted. 

In my young age, I had already tried using silka papaya, but as you can see it was not effective on my skin, I also tried re-bonding my hair for several times, but it just kept on going back to my dry and wavy hair. I almost took diet pills, but luckily I’m still in my normal state of mind.

The Media has an influence on beauty standards throughout the world. Television and print ads are major methods of spreading the toxic ideas of: “you’re too big, your hair is not straight enough, and you are not fair enough.” How did the media influence the beauty standards? It is through the celebrities that seems to doesn’t have any flaw. Have you seen a not so pretty celebrity that has big projects and partnered to a good looking guy? None. Johanna Celis, popularly known as Kiray, started in show business when she is young with Kathryn Bernardo and Julia Montes. Kiray has been active in show business for quite a long time compared to the two. But does she have done big projects and Teleseryes in which she has the main role? No. Most of the shows she was in, she always played a supporting role that is usually made fun of. She didn’t choose the role, but it is what was given to her despite of her visible talents in acting. 

Society is moldable and whoever is the top celebrity will be extremely influential. Media research has shown that adolescents, who are often vulnerable because their personalities and self-image are still forming, often depend on television characters to find their way in the world and to set a standard for them to follow. This standard has influenced their views on what characteristics a woman must have to be considered as beautiful not only during their puberty stage but also all throughout their lives.

Beauty can now indeed be used as a social status, but for me real beauty can never be seen in the physical appearance of a person. Real beauty is rarely seen by people. Confucius once stated: “Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it.” This philosophy explicates that true beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Everyone is beautiful. There might be circumstances when people look down on their own physical appearance. It is because they are comparing themselves to others too much. We always contra-distinguish our imperfections when we are striving to be someone else. We are special in our own way. If we really want to think of ourselves as beautiful, we should be thankful and faithful. We do not have to brag about our beauty, but we can prove to ourselves that we are valuable.
Whether you’re fat, dark-skinned, has wavy hair, snub-nosed and does not look like Liza Soberano. Whether you look like Melai Cantiveros, Diego, or even Neggi, you are beautiful. I now realize that we don’t have to be beautiful as what others think beautiful means. We have our own flaws. Being ourselves is something to be proud of.  Our world is full of beauty because we are all made that way. This is life’s great reality – that reality itself is beautiful.

16 - English Term Culminating Activity

21 Dec
This is the first day for the culminating activity of English Term. The highlight of the English Term is about Public Speaking which of course the lessons in GRAMCOM, TECHWRT and ERESWRT are also widely used. The activity for this day is the inter-class public speaking competition. Each class have six representative that will be performing their speech about the theme which is "The Cult of Celebrities.. A Filipino Obsession?

All in all there were 30 student who compete. Luckily I am one of the representative for our class which I didn't expect because I as I said before that English is not my forte.  Those 30 students were divided into three rooms where the elimination round happened. While the elimination round is happening, there were some activities that the other students enjoyed in the auditorium while waiting for the final speakers.

For me, it was nerve-cracking at first because unfamiliar people will be hearing my speech, which I didn't fully memorized, but when I was already there delivering my speech in front of few people then I realized the feeling is not bad at all.

From 30 SOM students only 9 will be advancing to the final round. Unfortunately, I am not one of them but three of our classmates were included. Of course, the whole AC152 were proud of them.

For me, Dea has the best speech but the delivery is not that powerful. I also didn't expect that in order to have a good speech, the speaker should relate himself to the theme in any possible way.

 22 Dec
Last day of English Term. At first the faculty of ERC let us watch an AVP of them them Miss Eliz gave us a speech. For this day, Ignite speech and speech choir is the highlight of the activity which again is also a public speaking contest.

Speech choir is not really the forte of AC152 (I wonder, where are we best at) so our performance was not that good but I guess a lot of us enjoyed. Of course! Because culminating activities mean end of a term and long holiday vacation. They said that a lot of students will miss English Term but for me, no.

Our representative for Ignite speech is Laine Antonio, her speech is good but I think her performance will be better if only our professor taught her. Our finals in GRAMCOM is scheduled after the activity, but thanks to our kind-hearted professor that postponed our examination. I think because he felt our stress because not one us won in any competition. SAD LIFE. But it's fine, we didn't prepare properly though.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

12 - "All the great speakers were bad speakers at first" - Ralph Emerson

According to research, public speaking is one of the top 5 common fears. It is really scary to speak in front of many people. It feels like that they are waiting for you to say something wrong and laugh at your mistakes. The feeling that someone is looking at you is already uncomfortable what more if a lot of people are looking at you.

An inter highschool competition was held at APC auditorium yesterday, 27 November 2015. It was amazing for me watching those highschool students. I wonder where do they get such courage to speak in front of many people. They don't even have a script nor guide to depend on. In such a young age they already have a lot of confidence which I don't have when I was that young. I always talk but not in front of a lot of people. Maybe because since I was young, English is my most hated subject. But people do need to adapt and so I did.

The winner is really good actually. She almost cried because of what she shared with us. Most of them used their own experiences but they didn't met what the theme is all about.

Confidence is really important in public speaking. Yes you have a good content and can think fast about things but if you don't have the confidence to relay your ideas to the audience through public speaking then it is useless. No one is already great at their first time, being great requires a lot of practice. I am not wishing to be a great speaker but I would like to become a good one someday.  Practice is also one of the key to be a great speaker. As my professor always say, 99% preparation and 1% execution.

10 - "This is the animal that hides in your heart"

Chinese astrology deals with divining sciences of wuxing or the five elements, Yin and Yang, Chi, and the cycles of time. The five elements of earth are earth, fire, water, metal and wood. They said that there has been a relationship between human and the 12 zodiacal animals like the western astrology does. It is believed that the years represented by the animals affect the characteristics with the person born on a specific year.

Chinese zodiac signs are also fixed in order according to the yin and yang of the animals. Theyin and yang of the animals are based on the odd or even number of their claws.

There are twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac signs and each has symbolic meanings and characteristics that should be harmonized. Below are the personalities of each animal.

Where there are human beings, there are rats. Rat is a kind of animal with strong adaptability to environments. It usually eats what people eat, so it can survive everywhere that people is about. People born in the Year of Rat are often with acute observation, positive attitude, and flexible mind. Above all, they can accommodate themselves to different circumstances quickly and get clear about the surroundings.

 Most people with Chinese zodiac Ox sign are conservative and traditionalistic. They impress people with an image of endurance, honesty and diligence. They seldom fear for any hardships or difficulties. They are persistent but stubborn, cautious but hesitant, moody and quick-tempered. Hitler and Napoleon were typical in many ways but with certain very noticeable failings with the sign of the Ox.

Tigers are accustomed inhabiting vast lands; consequently they have acute senses and sharp eyesight. The tiger is the symbol of power. People born in the Chinese zodiacal Tiger sign are quite cautious and energetic. They are also determined and persistent which help them strengthen their leadership.

 Rabbit is a tame and tender animal, and swift in love. People in the Chinese zodiac Rabbit sign usually have soft and tender personality traits. They keep a modest attitude and maintain a pleasant relationship to people around. They will not be irritated easily, and they also avoid quarrels as much as possible.
  Among the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, only the Dragon is mythical. It is an imaginary creature that combines the features of some other animals. There are many legends about this animal, and it is also regarded as the most auspicious sign. Chinese people believe they are the descendants of the Dragon. People born in the Year of the Dragon usually have mysterious, imaginative and noble personality traits.

Snake is usually regarded as a dark, insidious, sly and ruthless being. Both in western countries and China, there are many legend stories about the animal. And most of the time, it is labeled with a dark image. Actually, the animal is also the symbol of wisdom. People born in the Year of the Snake according to Chinese zodiac are usually well-educated, decent, smart and humorous. They can be brilliant artists, political leaders, as well as great thinkers.
The Wu Xing (The Five Elements) of the Horse is Fire (Huo), so the Horse stands for zeal and passion. People born in the Years of Horse are always having personality traits like being warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and positive. As they are lively and active, running in broad areas, so it is also the symbol of independence and freedom. 

Sheep is a kind of meek animal. They are usually very quiet and gentle, holding themselves aloof from the world. In a herd, all the sheep tend to listen to their leaders and show esteem to them. Because of the obedient character, sheep are among the most popular animals beloved by mankind. The fates curve of people born in the Year of Sheep / Goat / Ram exhibits an overall slightly ascending trend, which implies they will finally achieve success late in life. However, if they can come across brilliant leaders or people who appreciate their talents, they will distinguish themselves when young. 
The Wu Xing (Five Elements) sign of the Monkey is Metal (Jin), so the animal stands for brilliance and perseverance. According to Chinese zodiac analysis, people born in a Year of the Monkey always have smart, agile and active characteristics. They are endowed with highly adaptable abilities because of their complicated living environment.
 According to traditional Chinese zodiac analysis, Rooster is the representative of confidence and intelligence. People who born in the Years of the Rooster usually share lots of common personality traits such as being responsive, distinctive, smart and earnest. Being strict with themselves is their strongest characteristic.

The Dog is the symbol of honesty, frankness and extremely loyalty in all groups. People having the Chinese zodiac Dog sign always have industrious, genuine and righteous characteristics. In addition, most of them have a good sense of humor. Their smooth-talking and resourceful personality traits win high popularity among surrounding people. 

People with this zodiac sign are considerate, responsible, independent and optimistic. They always show generousness and mercy to endure other people’s mistakes, which help them gain harmonious interpersonal relationship. However, sometimes they would behave lazy and lack actions. In addition, pure hearts would let them be cheated easily in daily life.