Tuesday, January 5, 2016

16 - English Term Culminating Activity

21 Dec
This is the first day for the culminating activity of English Term. The highlight of the English Term is about Public Speaking which of course the lessons in GRAMCOM, TECHWRT and ERESWRT are also widely used. The activity for this day is the inter-class public speaking competition. Each class have six representative that will be performing their speech about the theme which is "The Cult of Celebrities.. A Filipino Obsession?

All in all there were 30 student who compete. Luckily I am one of the representative for our class which I didn't expect because I as I said before that English is not my forte.  Those 30 students were divided into three rooms where the elimination round happened. While the elimination round is happening, there were some activities that the other students enjoyed in the auditorium while waiting for the final speakers.

For me, it was nerve-cracking at first because unfamiliar people will be hearing my speech, which I didn't fully memorized, but when I was already there delivering my speech in front of few people then I realized the feeling is not bad at all.

From 30 SOM students only 9 will be advancing to the final round. Unfortunately, I am not one of them but three of our classmates were included. Of course, the whole AC152 were proud of them.

For me, Dea has the best speech but the delivery is not that powerful. I also didn't expect that in order to have a good speech, the speaker should relate himself to the theme in any possible way.

 22 Dec
Last day of English Term. At first the faculty of ERC let us watch an AVP of them them Miss Eliz gave us a speech. For this day, Ignite speech and speech choir is the highlight of the activity which again is also a public speaking contest.

Speech choir is not really the forte of AC152 (I wonder, where are we best at) so our performance was not that good but I guess a lot of us enjoyed. Of course! Because culminating activities mean end of a term and long holiday vacation. They said that a lot of students will miss English Term but for me, no.

Our representative for Ignite speech is Laine Antonio, her speech is good but I think her performance will be better if only our professor taught her. Our finals in GRAMCOM is scheduled after the activity, but thanks to our kind-hearted professor that postponed our examination. I think because he felt our stress because not one us won in any competition. SAD LIFE. But it's fine, we didn't prepare properly though.

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