Sunday, November 29, 2015

12 - "All the great speakers were bad speakers at first" - Ralph Emerson

According to research, public speaking is one of the top 5 common fears. It is really scary to speak in front of many people. It feels like that they are waiting for you to say something wrong and laugh at your mistakes. The feeling that someone is looking at you is already uncomfortable what more if a lot of people are looking at you.

An inter highschool competition was held at APC auditorium yesterday, 27 November 2015. It was amazing for me watching those highschool students. I wonder where do they get such courage to speak in front of many people. They don't even have a script nor guide to depend on. In such a young age they already have a lot of confidence which I don't have when I was that young. I always talk but not in front of a lot of people. Maybe because since I was young, English is my most hated subject. But people do need to adapt and so I did.

The winner is really good actually. She almost cried because of what she shared with us. Most of them used their own experiences but they didn't met what the theme is all about.

Confidence is really important in public speaking. Yes you have a good content and can think fast about things but if you don't have the confidence to relay your ideas to the audience through public speaking then it is useless. No one is already great at their first time, being great requires a lot of practice. I am not wishing to be a great speaker but I would like to become a good one someday.  Practice is also one of the key to be a great speaker. As my professor always say, 99% preparation and 1% execution.

10 - "This is the animal that hides in your heart"

Chinese astrology deals with divining sciences of wuxing or the five elements, Yin and Yang, Chi, and the cycles of time. The five elements of earth are earth, fire, water, metal and wood. They said that there has been a relationship between human and the 12 zodiacal animals like the western astrology does. It is believed that the years represented by the animals affect the characteristics with the person born on a specific year.

Chinese zodiac signs are also fixed in order according to the yin and yang of the animals. Theyin and yang of the animals are based on the odd or even number of their claws.

There are twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac signs and each has symbolic meanings and characteristics that should be harmonized. Below are the personalities of each animal.

Where there are human beings, there are rats. Rat is a kind of animal with strong adaptability to environments. It usually eats what people eat, so it can survive everywhere that people is about. People born in the Year of Rat are often with acute observation, positive attitude, and flexible mind. Above all, they can accommodate themselves to different circumstances quickly and get clear about the surroundings.

 Most people with Chinese zodiac Ox sign are conservative and traditionalistic. They impress people with an image of endurance, honesty and diligence. They seldom fear for any hardships or difficulties. They are persistent but stubborn, cautious but hesitant, moody and quick-tempered. Hitler and Napoleon were typical in many ways but with certain very noticeable failings with the sign of the Ox.

Tigers are accustomed inhabiting vast lands; consequently they have acute senses and sharp eyesight. The tiger is the symbol of power. People born in the Chinese zodiacal Tiger sign are quite cautious and energetic. They are also determined and persistent which help them strengthen their leadership.

 Rabbit is a tame and tender animal, and swift in love. People in the Chinese zodiac Rabbit sign usually have soft and tender personality traits. They keep a modest attitude and maintain a pleasant relationship to people around. They will not be irritated easily, and they also avoid quarrels as much as possible.
  Among the twelve Chinese zodiac signs, only the Dragon is mythical. It is an imaginary creature that combines the features of some other animals. There are many legends about this animal, and it is also regarded as the most auspicious sign. Chinese people believe they are the descendants of the Dragon. People born in the Year of the Dragon usually have mysterious, imaginative and noble personality traits.

Snake is usually regarded as a dark, insidious, sly and ruthless being. Both in western countries and China, there are many legend stories about the animal. And most of the time, it is labeled with a dark image. Actually, the animal is also the symbol of wisdom. People born in the Year of the Snake according to Chinese zodiac are usually well-educated, decent, smart and humorous. They can be brilliant artists, political leaders, as well as great thinkers.
The Wu Xing (The Five Elements) of the Horse is Fire (Huo), so the Horse stands for zeal and passion. People born in the Years of Horse are always having personality traits like being warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and positive. As they are lively and active, running in broad areas, so it is also the symbol of independence and freedom. 

Sheep is a kind of meek animal. They are usually very quiet and gentle, holding themselves aloof from the world. In a herd, all the sheep tend to listen to their leaders and show esteem to them. Because of the obedient character, sheep are among the most popular animals beloved by mankind. The fates curve of people born in the Year of Sheep / Goat / Ram exhibits an overall slightly ascending trend, which implies they will finally achieve success late in life. However, if they can come across brilliant leaders or people who appreciate their talents, they will distinguish themselves when young. 
The Wu Xing (Five Elements) sign of the Monkey is Metal (Jin), so the animal stands for brilliance and perseverance. According to Chinese zodiac analysis, people born in a Year of the Monkey always have smart, agile and active characteristics. They are endowed with highly adaptable abilities because of their complicated living environment.
 According to traditional Chinese zodiac analysis, Rooster is the representative of confidence and intelligence. People who born in the Years of the Rooster usually share lots of common personality traits such as being responsive, distinctive, smart and earnest. Being strict with themselves is their strongest characteristic.

The Dog is the symbol of honesty, frankness and extremely loyalty in all groups. People having the Chinese zodiac Dog sign always have industrious, genuine and righteous characteristics. In addition, most of them have a good sense of humor. Their smooth-talking and resourceful personality traits win high popularity among surrounding people. 

People with this zodiac sign are considerate, responsible, independent and optimistic. They always show generousness and mercy to endure other people’s mistakes, which help them gain harmonious interpersonal relationship. However, sometimes they would behave lazy and lack actions. In addition, pure hearts would let them be cheated easily in daily life.

11 - Media Literacy

Last Wednesday, 28 November 2015, we attended a seminar about media literacy. The seminar was somehow basic for me. 

The first speaker taught us how to make a good new report. I learned that the most important yet not observed question in making news is "So what?". Yes, everybody can make news nowadays. But the question is, so what? Why do we need to care? Does the news worth our attention? Sad to say that some news nowadays are not importan
t to us. Why do they air news about Ms. Pastillas and AlDub? Because it is what the people WANT to hear but we DON'T NEED to know about.

I liked the second speaker. She awaken me. From the people of Syria to the Lumad killings. ( I think that the military were not the who did those killings. If ever they committed it, probably it was for self defense. A lot of civilians can wear military uniform nowadays, and NPAs use those uniform. Military conduct proper protocol. I wish civilians would know who are the true men in uniform. It doesn't mean that when someone uses a military uniform he/she is a member of the AFP.) The problem of Syria were happening for a long time now but we don't even bother to tweet or post anything about them. But when the Paris was attacked, some of us even changed our profile pictures with the colors of their flag and sympathize with them. Did we do this for the Syrians? NO.
We must not make a status that will may use against us. We have indeed freedom of expression, but do we really need to let out our feelings through social medias? Do other people care? NO. You're just humiliating yourself. For me, it is a habit that IMMATURE people do. 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

9 - Cirilio Bautista

Cirilio Bautista is a poet, essayist, and a critic. He was recognized for his works and received numerous and exceptional achievements and had significant contributions to the development of the country's literary art. 

Bautista took AB Literature and graduated as Magna Cum Laude in University of Santo Tomas. He continued his masters in  literature in St. Louis University in Baguio which again he graduated as Magna Cum Laude then Doctors of Arts in Language and Literature in De La Salle University.

Through out his career, he has established a strong reputation for fine and profound artistry. His works influences the generations of young writers. Bautista have been holding funded and unfunded workshops for the young writers.

For Bautista, classroom is an important training ground for writers. After graduating, he entered the field of teaching that made him a professor. 

His poem "Oh how to find Silence in the World"got my attention. He used code switching that I think other Filipino poet doesn't do. This of poem of Bautista focuses on racial prejudice and used Negros and White Americans as an example. 

Bautista continues to contribute to the development of Philippine Literature in many ways; as a teacher, through his discovery and encouragement of young writers: as a writer, through his works and a critic that provide insights to the misconceptions about art.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

8 - SOM Week

There is a lot of activities that SoM students joined. These activities also made our classes cancelled for a week which made us worry because midterm week is fast approaching.

The SoM week was started with a parade around Magallanes Village and back to APC. School of Management was introduced to the students. School of Management was School of Accountancy and Business before and we don’t know the reason why they changed it. SoAB is better than SoM for me.
Men’s basketball tournament is the event that I attended completely. Well maybe because it is the only event that you don’t need to sign up. But unfortunately, AC’s didn’t won on the championship game versus the BM’s.

When the teachers already announced that we don’t have class, my friends and I will go straight to the SAO to play monopoly and sometimes scrabble. But if the SAO is full and we don’t have any place to stay inside the room we just go to the seminars or in the library.

SoM night is not good. For me it is worse than the frosh night. Less people attended which made the place a little colder than the frosh night. SoM students are not the only ones who attended the party even the students from SoE and SoCIT. I went home early that night because I am really bored. I think I am really getting older. HAHAHAH!

The most awaited Mr. & Ms. SoM was scheduled at last day of the week. Two of my blockmates participated on the event. I didn’t finish the pageant because my father is already waiting for me and I don’t want to go home late because it is hard to ride a jeepney at night. I heard that Latrell Sombillon, my blockmate, won second place and he is also got the people’s choice award. The judges thought so, because some of my blockmate did some gimmicks and we really shouted for them. We don’t care if we are the noisiest.

All in all, I kinda enjoyed the SoM week, especially the Dairy Queen. J I hope next SoM week I could participate with the other events.

7 - "Cigarettes are a classy way to commit suicide" - Kurt Vonnegut

Anti-smoking campaign was already started years ago but until now smoking is rampant. A lot of teenagers are into smoking and it is worrisome. I don’t know why these teenagers enter this kind of vice. Is it because of peer pressure, family problems, or they just want to try it? Maybe they thought that smoking makes them cool. But they were wrong. We are wrong. I did smoke when I was younger but it didn’t become my vice. I can’t understand those who are telling me that they can’t stop smoking.

Anti-smoking campaigns are ignored until now even though a lot of people are suffering from lung cancer. Some campaigns invite speakers who survived lung cancer but they have a hole in their throat that makes them unable to speak without a machine. Government should also help the non-government organizations who are in anti-smoking campaign.

Smoking could be stop slowly. I know it is hard. It will take a lot of time. But it could be done. Discipline is the key. The government should also implement a law that states a person may only smoke in a smoking area only. Mayor Duterte of Davao had been implementing it. Davao is almost smoke free. People can get lung cancer even though they are not smoking. They got it by being the second hand smoker. They got it because of the people who smoke in public.
Government should also increase the tax of the cigarette companies. If cigarettes are more expensive, people are more likely not to buy cigarettes unless they are really addicted to it.

Again, discipline is the key to everything. They said that common sense is not common, as well as discipline too. We are lacked of discipline. Improvement should start in oneself. It is not only for us, but also for the next generations.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

4 - "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo"

   As a part of our EEPENG class, we watched the theatrical play entitled "Ang Tatay Mong Kalbo"
AC152 was scheduled to watch the play last October 10 at around 1pm.

   The play was absurd. It is because the characters just talk about something repeatedly. I cant even connect each scene together.

   What I admired the most is Mrs. Santos. The actress who played this role caught my attention until the end. Even Maria, the maid, made the play funny. While Hepe made the other girls from the audience giggle because of his charming look. Well he's charming but I don't see him attractive. Please don't hate me because of this.

   Before the play starts, the director said to us that this play is really hard to understand but there is an underlying lesson which I can't find until now. So I can't give any reaction about the play. That's why I am just going to give some comments on the set.

   The set was simple. Lights are incredible. At first, I thought that the three hanging at center of the set was just part of the decorations. But when I saw that the cast doesn't have any microphone attached to their body, and it is impossible for them to retain their voices loud and clear for the whole time, that was the time that I realized it was a microphone. The two men who are with the musical instruments helped the play to be somehow lively.

   After the play was finished the audience have a picture taking with the casts. I asked some of my blockmates if they understand the story of the theatrical play. But like me, they are also clueless which I really don't know how are they going to make a blog about it. HAHAH! Well at least most of us are clueless

   I really wanted to know the underlying lesson in this theatrical play. Maybe if I get to talk with one of the cast I could ask them and go back with this  blog and edit it. If I get the chance to meet and talk with them.

5 - " We don't meet people by accident, they are meant to cross our path for a reason" - Rubyaanne

     Heung joh chow heung yau chow, in English Turn Left, Turn Right, is a Chinese movie. The story is about the two artistic opposite sex who are lonely and seems like their life is so plain. They already met thirteen years ago. Their love story is always postponed because of some circumstances that make them not to see each other. It is funny how they end up seeing with each other. It is because the earthquake that breaks the wall between their flats. I think what the author is trying to say that it doesn't matter how long it will take before they find each other if they are meant to be, it will happen.

     What is Destiny? Is there really such thing?

     In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary App, destiny is defined as a power that is believed to control what happens in the future. Most of the people, including me, believes in destiny. Is experiencing sadness due to the people we met or the event that happen to us is part of what we call destiny? I think it is kinda true. Why did I say so?

     For me we are destined to meet all the people we knew. Even the people who bring us sadness. We met them because there's a reason. They bring experiences to us that will somehow teach us a lesson. Lessons that are significant in life. Destiny is not just about love, it covers life. Some of us have friends that cheat on our backs. They teach us not to trust easily but the others tend to forgive them and forget what they did. We met people who we will love then will leave us. They brought sadness to us but we  learn how to cope with it and move on.

     Everything was destined. But it is our choice if we are going to let people stay on our lives. It is our choice whether we learn and remember what we experienced. Or we are just going to stay the same and let the same thing happen to us. Maybe destiny is destined to teach us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

3 - "May mas malaki tayong kalaban sa mga Amerikano - ang ating mga sarili" - General Antonio Luna

  During our elementary days, we learned about our national heroes. Their biography and most especially their contributions for attaining our freedom that we are experiencing now.
   Antonio Luna was primarily known by being a hot-tempered general who fought the Americans for our independence. He is just not  an ordinary soldier but also he is a Filipino scientist who had a great contributions in pharmaceutical and environmental science. He studied in Madrid with his brother Juan Luna, who is a well-known painter.

   When Antonio Luna knew about the Katipuneros, he thought that Filipinos are not yet ready for the revolution. When the Katipunan was already discovered by the Spaniards, he was arrested because his name was linked with the anti-Spanish revolutionary society. Because of this the rebellion side of Antonio Luna arise. After he was freed, he study military science and strategy in European cities and went back to the Philippines.

   During this era, Filipinos are in a kabayan system. Filipinos tend to believe and stay on the side of their townsman even though it is obvious enough that they are not in the right side. Like what Aguinaldo and Buencamino does. They are both from Cavite. So what? Aguinaldo was also blinded of Mascardo's story telling that Luna wanted to be the president of the Philippines which is not true. Luna doesn't have any intention to be in politics. 

   Crab mentality. What's the problem with the Filipinos, until now actually. When we knew someone is above us, we tend to pull them down. We will not be successful if that's what we're doing. 

   The movie is also good for the upcoming election. Voters must not think of their selves first. Each one of us must think and always remember to do the right long-term common good. As General Luna said, "Bayan o sarili?"  

Thursday, October 8, 2015

1 - Frustrated AEr, CPA on the making.

   Did you wish once that you could turn back time? You wish that you can undo the mistakes you did. That you want to have one more chance to do everything right?

   Everything was almost perfect. But there came a time that turned my whole world down.

(The Borromeo Field, C.I.L)

   Philippine Military Academy is my ultimate dream. When I got a letter from PMA stating that I passed the exams, my happiness that time is so unforgettable. Being a cadet is not easy, but it is where my heart really belongs. I love being a cadet. But in just one snap, it is gone.

   Alessa Joy Otiong, ex-cadet. It hurts. Really. A lot. I see my dreams shattering. FAILURE. HOPELESS. Upon leaving the portals of my beloved second home, I was so out out of mind. I don't know what to do. I am thinking not to go home and just work in companies of some successful ex-bugo-bugos (ex-PMAer). But my father insisted that I will go home and continue my studies. After stressful months of trying to move on and to forget with what happened I am now currently a student of APC taking up Accountancy.




   An upperclass said, There's a life outside PMA. Your life doesn't stop here".

   I am still coping. Straightening my path once again. Looking for reasons why it happened to me. I already surpassed a lot of challenges there. I know my limitations. I learned a lot of things about myself, my weaknesses and strengths. I am not the old me anymore that doesn't have self-confidence. I learned a lot of things in life. One of these is having a Positive Mental Attitude. So now that I am a college student again, I am still applying all the things I learned. As of last term, grades and school related things are beyond fine. I can still meet the deadlines of our non-ending compliance and passing all the quizzes and exams. For now I am focusing on my studies because I am a CPA on the making and this time I will not be a failure. My parents gave me another chance and been supporting me from the start, I don't want them to be disappointed again.

   Now my goal is to finish my degree with flying colors ( I hope so), pass the board exams and try to enter the AFP once more. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

2 - "What you see depends on how you view the world. To MOST PEOPLE, this is just DIRT. To A FARMER, it's POTENTIAL." - Doe Zantamata

     My dad always tells us that once you have a farm, you could already live a simple life. Why did he say so? Most of the simple needs of people are come from the farm. The rice, vegetables and the food for the cows and carabaos to make them healthy and reproduce more of their own kind.

     Every other week my dad always goes to Pangasinan, which is my dad's hometown, and it makes my mom angry 'cause dad is not with us every weekends. Unfortunately, a relative died and we all went to a super short vacation. My grandma's place is not that civilized yet. Signals are low and roads are not cemented which made the place looks urbanized, well it really is. After we spent the night in my grandpa's wake (my grandma's older brother) we rest for a while and prepare to go home. Then my father said why don't we visit our farm so that we, mom, me & Allyn, can see it. 
( Those mountains are not ours)

     My dad wants us to see our not that spacious piece of land and start to learn how to manage it. We grew in Manila, unlike my parent, that’s why we don't have any knowledge about crops and stuffs about farms. I can't even identify the difference between a palay and a corn crop. Before going home, we went first to our land. My dad plant Mahoganies already to serve as a border. Mahoganies grow slow, it takes about five years before we could make use of it and the return is good. There are lots of squash there and for me it's so fun because its my first time to harvest a vegetable. Well during our JFTX (Joint Field Training Exercise) when I was a cadet (OUCHHH!), we spend almost two weeks in the mountains for us to apply all the tactical lessons that we learned. Yes, we are so close to the nature but the food is not earned hard because we have supplies and we even have a portable gas stove which makes our life there some-how easier than the real thing that each of the soldiers experience.

     So back to the story, my dad explained to us his plans in that piece of land, and of course I am the first born I had to listen and grasp all his plans so that when the time comes that I will be the one who will manage it, I can do all my dad's plans and even better ( I wanted to build a pool there, HAHA!). 

     We are not rich, honestly speaking. My sister and I are just lucky that we have parents like them that use the money for long term purposes. They just want to be sure that when the time comes that they are not with us anymore we will not experience the hardship they've been through.

Land doesn't have any accumulated depreciation, actually most of the time it appreciates. As the time goes by and I know that place will be civilize soon, maybe that small piece of land will be five times more than its worth now. But no matter what happen, even worse comes to worst we will not sell it. Because that piece of land symbolizes our parents’ long service in AFP, their sacrifices, hard work and efforts. It is the fruit of their labor.